New Moral Order™


Definition of the term “Organised Psychopathy” or “Organized Psychopathy”




[ awr-guh-nahyz sahy-kopuh-thee ]

Summary Definition of “Organised Psychopathy” or “Organized Psychopathy”

Organised Psychopathy is the systematic and highly criminal control of human society by social psychopaths, who innately conspire to seek unlimited power and wealth, and refers to the social psychopathic nature (lacking any empathy) of those who globally control all major institutions of politics, economics, law, the military, the media, and society as a whole, in a highly systematic and criminal manner.

Full Definition of “Organised Psychopathy” or “Organized Psychopathy”

Organised Psychopathy is the systematic and highly criminal control of human society by social psychopaths, who innately conspire to seek unlimited power and wealth, and refers to the social psychopathic nature (lacking any empathy) of those who globally control all major institutions of politics, economics, law, the military, the media, and society as a whole, in a highly systematic and criminal manner.

Organised Psychopathy relates to the term ‘organised crime’, in so much as Organised Psychopathy lies at the very core of all organised criminal behaviour, whether it is regarded as illegal, or as in the case of State sponsored wars and mass medical experimentation, it is legitimised via corrupt corporations and corrupted governments.

Organised Psychopathy organises itself in very much the same way as organised criminal gangs that operate on the nationally and internationally, because these institutions of crime are all direct subsidiaries of Organised Psychopathy, which is the overarching ideology that controls them, and which has always controlled them.

Organised Psychopathy comprises of those individuals who are subject to the mental disorder – and spiritual disorder – of social psychopathy, a term which accurately characterises all those who hold any positions of real financial or political power within society. These individuals possess no discernible empathy for others, although they often pretend that they do, in superficial and melodramatic ways. It is Organised Psychopathy and the social psychopath, which drive, manage and sustain all the serious negative problems that threaten human society and humanity as a whole.

Organised Psychopathy is the concealed institutional force that controls all those who foster, manufacture and orchestrate all wars, all major and organised crime, all political assassinations, all economic recessions and depressions, all addictive drugs (both legal and illegal), all violent revolutions, all police States and dictatorships, all secret societies, all organised religious institutions, all multinationals, all mainstream media, all false flag operations, all social chaos, and all divisions that are constantly manufactured between groups of people who are purposefully tribalised for the purpose of social control (the divide and rule stratagem).

In order to create a positive society, in which wars, violence and criminality are eradicated, the social psychopath must be prohibited from occupying any position of political, economic, religious or social power. Through modern scientific testing and analysis, this is very easily done, and will serve to immediately bring to an end the blight of Organised Psychopathy, along with all the misery and suffering that it propagates.

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